So without further ado, here are some highlights of our year.
January: Lorelai turned 6 months old and started on solids, Aidan lost his first teeth and the boys rode their scooters (oh, and I cooked a meat diaper).

February: I celebrated Valentines day with my loves, Lorelai was super cute as always, Aidan got Beaver fever, and I laid the smack down with Aidan's 1st grade teacher (not really).

March: The boys started soccer and Logan ended up being really good at it, I got random, and Lorelai turned into a vampire.

April: Logan and Lorelai got tacky, Adam and I celebrated our 9th anniversary, we had fun on Easter, and Aidan hilariously misread a book title.

May: Super busy month with lots of unseen footage. Lorelai got silly with Grandpa and played peek-a-boo with Grandma; we hung out with rarely seen cousins; I celebrated Mother's day and my 31st birthday; Lorelai started crawling; and I lost my ever loving $h!t over some snakes in the yard.

June: I sucked at blogging and didn't post all the cute photos of the kids hanging out with their cousins from Atlanta, we celebrated Father's day with Adam, my Aunt gave the boys swim lessons, and I started running.

July: Another super busy month! Aidan started second grade; we went to the beach and aquarium to celebrate Aidan's 7th birthday; Lorelai turned 1 and we had a party for her.

August: Adam turned 32 and the boys picked out some awesome gifts for him, and Lorelai started walking.

September: Logan turned 5 and Adam and I took a vacation for a friend's wedding. Plus, there was a random

October: Duh, halloween. Also: pumpkin patch, peanut allergy, and my first 10k!! What I didn't blog about: there was a scary Dora at my niece's 3rd birthday, Aidan dressed up for tacky day at school, and he won an award for self-discipline (completely unrelated to being tacky).

November: There was sickness and more sickness, but then we all got better and had a nice Thanksgiving.

December: Adam and I lost our minds and decided to start a kitchen renovation right before Christmas, Jack the elf showed up, I made an advent calendar, and we had an awesome Christmas.

What a year! Thanks again for reading.