Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Wise Words Wednesday: Beach memories

“Our memories of the ocean will linger on, long after our footprints in the sand are gone.”—Anonymous

baby toes in the sand

For Aidan's birthday weekend, we (including my mom) took a trip to Adam's parent's house on Topsail Island. The boys LOVE the beach, so it made Aidan's birthday even more special and exciting to both of them to be able to celebrate it at the beach.


Plus, it killed two birds with one stone: annual trip to the beach and no friend party to plan. Mommy style multi-tasking at its best!

It was Lorelai's first trip to the beach, and she loved it just as much as the boys.

Lorelai loves the beach


Lorelai sitting in the water

She was fearless around the water. We put her down and she took off straight toward the waves!




We lucked out with gorgeous weather due to a wonderful breeze off the water. I was worried about the high temps from the heat wave that was (and still is!!) baking the east coast, but it felt very comfortable and the water temperature was very refreshing.


When we got down to the beach, it was low tide and there was a small sandbar and a little pool of water that was just perfect for us to play in. And didn't have to worry about sharks! Bonus!



The boys played so hard. In and out of the water, boogie boarding, body surfing, swimming, digging, collecting shells, building sand castles.


The weather was so perfect and we were having so much fun that we didn't want to leave, so we didn't. Mom went back to the house to make sandwiches and bring food back so we could eat lunch on the beach.


Lorelai got so exhausted from all the fun she was having that she napped in the shade under the umbrella. Jealous!


After her nap, the boys got to work on building a pool for her to sit in. They were very serious about it.


Logan, crack is whack, dude.

Lorelai was very serious about it too, but approved of their efforts.



We had a WONDERFUL day and were really looking forward going back on Sunday, especially since I never got a real picture of the five of us (why is it so hard to remember to get a family picture?!?).

The closest thing we have to a family beach picture with all five of us.


That's why it pains me to admit that I totally botched the sunscreen job and Logan got crazy burnt on his face and arms. Thank goodness he was wearing a swim shirt, or it would have been way worse. He's so fair skinned that I just didn't re-apply enough. One I realized how red he had gotten, we high-tailed it back to the house. Adam and I got too much sun too, but fortunately Aidan and Lorelai were fine. We probably would have stayed literally all day, had it not been for my poor sunscreening abilities.

All that said, we made the decision to not go back out on the beach on Sunday because Logan just couldn't be in the sun. It actually worked out really well in the end though, since we were able to take a trip to the Fort Fisher Aquarium, which the boys were very excited about (Logan had never been). Aidan was probably just as excited to spend his actual birthday at the aquarium as he would have been at the beach again. I'll have a separate post for those pics, since clearly I've gone photo crazy in this post!

Bye bye beach, see you next year!