Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Wise words Wednesday: Christmas 2011 memories

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.” ― Dr. Seuss

We still have all of our Christmas decorations up because I just couldn't stand to take them down on Monday. I really wanted to enjoy Christmas just a little bit longer. But now I'm back to work and can appreciate the fact that it's over. It was a good one, full of fun memories.

And now, as promised, a Christmas 2011 photo bomb.

I took lots of pictures tree-trimming at Grandma Ellie's. Lorelai hung with Aunt Anna (but Logan wouldn't go anywhere near her or Aunt Jillian). Raina and Lorelai played. Isaiah helped decorate. Adam helped Raina put the angel on the tree and she was so proud of herself.

tree trimming at Grandma Ellie's

Adam's sister Anna and her son Isaiah; my sister Jillian and her kids, Shaun and Raina.

Adam's sister Anna and her son Isaiah; my sister Jillian and her kids, Shaun and Raina.

Lorelai's a kissy-face monkey :)

Lorelai's a kissy-face monkey

A semi-decent family photo.


Christmas Eve presents:

Christmas eve presents

Grandma Ellie had fun with the new spy goggles and nerf blasters on Christmas day.

Grandma Ellie had fun with the new spy goggles and nerf blasters
Pants are way overrated.

We got silly with the spoons before dinner and Grandma and Grandpa's.

spoon silliness
Not pictured: Logan, who barfed right before dinner to make a point that he REALLY didn't like my broccoli salad. Fun.

We met Blaze, Grandma and Grandpa's new collie puppy! Lorelai and the boys LOVED her. Lorelai got on all fours and wagged her tail just like Blaze. And Logan actually said meeting Blaze was one of his favorite "gifts" :)

meeting Blaze

Aidan and Logan got new boots.

new boots

Lorelai was super cute, as always. Plus, reindeer butt!

Lorelai was super cute, as always. Plus, reindeer butt!

And there were sweet snuggles.

sweet snuggles

Daddy snuggles

I'm already looking forward to next year!