Friday, January 27, 2012

Change of plans

So a funny thing happened today when I went to go get my eyeballs sliced: I didn't. Yep, I'm just as nearsighted as I was when I made the hour plus drive to the laser eye center this morning, shaking like a leaf.

Turns out, my eyes are too dry today to ensure a good outcome, so the doctor recommended I wait. He said if it was his wife or sister, he wouldn't do the surgery and strongly recommended against it. Of course, hearing that made me totally agree, despite being in near tears over not being able to get it done as planned. He's not sure why they're so dry all of a sudden, but it could be effects from the pink eye last week, or the drops, or a combo of the drops. Who knows. But basically, all that anxiety and anticipation, not to mention the drive...all for nothing.

Well, not exactly nothing. He put plugs in my tear ducts gave me a crap ton of drops that I'm basically supposed to flood my eyes with until next Friday when they were able to reschedule me. I'm hoping to get an pre-op appointment at the office near me next Wednesday so the doctor can re-check my eyes to see how they're doing before mom and I trek all the way back out to the other center. Fingers crossed I'll be good to go by then!

I do have to say that as much as it sucked to walk away today, I totally appreciate that the doctor had my best interests in mind and was willing to do the right thing instead of the easy thing. I'm also so appreciative of my mom who's willing to chauffeur me back and forth and didn't get upset that she has to do it all over again next week.

dear glasses, I'm so sick of you
Dear glasses, I'm so sick of you. XOXO, Becky

PS: To clarify about the whole two different places thing, I'm getting my LASIK done by TLC and had my initial consultation at their office in Raleigh. They have a sister office in Greensboro and the same doctor operates in both locations, the only difference is the lasers they use. The one in Greensboro will work better for my eye, leaving more cornea left over in the event that I need any future enhancements. Hence the drive.