Sunday, May 8, 2011

My mom is da bomb

First of all, Happy Mother's Day to all the moms and moms-to-be, and especially to my wonderful mom.

Mom and me (May 2010)

{I know I've been slacking on the blogging this past week, but it's been pretty crazy around here. I haven't had a chance to do much with any of the pictures I've taken this week, and I really don't like to do posts without pictures.}

Anyway, on to the point of this post. In honor of my mom on Mother's day, I have to gush about how totally awesome she is. She's the Supportive, compassionate, dependable, wise, loving, and the list could go on. She was always there for me growing up, and she's still always there for me, no matter what I need. She's always willing to babysit, sometimes changing or rearranging her own plans to do so. I'm never moving unless my mom moves, too, because I don't ever want to lose our babysitter!

But seriously, I have to give her props for successfully raising two girls, because I know it wasn't easy. I can only hope that Lorelai and I have the kind of relationship my mom and I have. She's shown me what it means to be a good mother, and I am what I am because of her. I love you, mom!

My (pregnant) younger sister, Mom, and me (May 2008)
Mom and Me at her surprise 60th birthday party (May 2010)

In other Mother's Day related news, I had a wonderful but extremely jam-packed weekend (including FOUR soccer games, OMG)! I'll post more about it later, once I get my camera back from my in-laws.