She just couldn't control her emotions and we could not for the life of us figure out what she wanted or needed, or how to calm her down.

So what did I do? I went grocery shopping. And for the record, I hate grocery shopping. A LOT. But what I hate more is listening to my sweet girl cry and throw tantrums and not be able to figure out what she needs or how to calm her down. So instead of getting mad at her or myself, I voluntarily went to the grocery store on my own instead of
I feel bad for leaving (even though I wasn't gone more than 30 minutes), but it almost seemed like she was mad at me, specifically. Adam said she fussed while I was gone, but she sure seemed fine when I walked in the door, until she saw me and started up another tantrum. I know it's normal and expected for toddlers to throw tantrums over what seems like nothing, but I can't help but wonder if she really was mad at us for leaving her for the night. This does not bode well for any future overnight trips Adam and I might want to plan...
Luckily she was back to her normal, sweet self yesterday, but I'm dreading the next meltdown when a snuggle and some comforting words from Mommy or Daddy won't make her feel better like they used to. Ah, the joys of toddlerhood, woohoo! {sarcasm alert}