A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor's book. ~Irish proverb.
A couple of people I know {
coughLorelaiandMommycough} are in desperate need of a good laugh and a very long sleep, and not necessarily in that order. Between teething (working on her fourth canine this month) and a nasty cold, sleep has been totally sucking lately, which has resulted in some seriously bad moods all around.
I keep telling myself that it's just a phase, but the longer it goes on, the more impatient and worried I get. The impatience is because I don't function well in the middle of the night when I'm exhausted, and the worry is that in order to get us all some sleep, I'm creating some really terrible sleep habits for Lorelai, who used to be such an awesome sleeper. Bringing her into bed with me a couple of nights here and there is no big deal, but it's been happening several nights a week for the past few weeks. I fear that even once she's past the teething and the cold, whenever she wakes up, she'll expect to sleep in bed with me and won't sleep in her own bed anymore. This is bad news because she's a terrible sleep partner. She pulls my hair as she tries to go to sleep, and then once she's asleep she smacks me in the face and kicks me as she squirms. She eventually ends up perpendicular to me and Adam in bed, forcing me to the very edge of our king size bed. Plus she farts on me.
Please, please, please, please let her start sleeping through the night again soon! And if I can't get that long sleep tonight, at least I have a few laughs courtesy of Pinterest. A good laugh is half a cure, right?