Thursday, April 19, 2012

Goodwill finds v.2

Woohoo, I scored big at goodwill again. This time, mostly for Aidan (and therefore Logan in a few years, 3rd hand clothes, holla!). I went there specifically looking for shorts and t-shirts for Aidan and I hit the jackpot. He's really into basketball shorts these days, so these UNC blue ones were perfect. And now he's got a Hurricanes shirt to wear if we go to any more games, sweet.

goodwill finds v.2

I got 6 pairs of shorts and a t-shirt for $1.59 each, a pair of shoes for Lorelai for $2.35, and an orange canvas bin for $2.59. A little over $16 for all of that, and it's all in really good shape. Score!

Granted, the t-shirt is a little too big for Aidan this year, and the shoes for Lorelai are huge again (size 11 this time) so she won't be able to wear them for years, but Converse are normally at least $20, so I couldn't pass them up. Adam thought I was crazy for buying so far ahead, and said she might not even like them in a few years. But come on, they're sparkly pink, and she's a girl. She's going to love them when she's 5, right?! She loves them now, at least. When I first brought them home, she saw them and just had to put them on.

Lorelai's new shoes

I did tell him I wouldn't keep buying so far ahead, but I'm going to have a hard passing up such good deals like this! Shhhh, don't tell. I'll just hide them up in a bin in her closet :)

Linking up with Harper's Happenings High on Thrifting Thursday.