Tuesday, April 3, 2012

She runs away

I used to love picking Lorelai up from daycare because as soon as she'd see me, she'd run and jump into my arms, as happy as could be. Past tense. As of Monday. For the past two days, I've walked in and she's run away from me wanting nothing to do with me.

she runs away

I do appreciate that she's becoming more independent and having so much fun she doesn't want to leave, but I'm not gonna lie, it makes me sad. I may or may not have actually cried a little when she still wanted nothing to do with me when we got home and flat out refused to give me a hug or a kiss. Hard not to take that personally. She's been so attached to me for so long that I'm really not used to it. Do not like!

I hope this is a short phase, I want my sweet momma's girl back.

