Friday, April 13, 2012

Easter photo dump

This year for Easter, we had family over to our house for the festivities. It was a gorgeous day and we had lots of fun with my mom, my sister and her kids, my in-laws, my sister-in-law and her son, and my aunt, uncle and cousin. Whew! I just love that we've got family (both mine and Adam's) close by and we can all get together like this.

So, very much like last year, our Easter was filled with a beautiful girl in a beautiful dress...

Lorelai's easter dress
Seriously, how freaking adorable is this dress we got from Raina!?! I died of cuteness, OMG. And Lorelai and Raina even had matching sandals.

Handsome boys (one of whom was so focused on his egg hunt he couldn't be bothered to pose)...



Cute cousins...

Isaiah, Shaun


Egg hunts...





Lots (and lots and lots) of playing...





Great conversation...




Some chaos getting dinner ready...

see? crazy! :)

...and a wonderful dinner with my wonderful family.


Once we got the kids all settled with dinner at the kitchen table, the grown ups sat down to a fantastic dinner of ham, lamb, scalloped potatoes, mac & cheese, broccoli salad and asparagus. Dessert was amazing homemade pound cake and cupcakes. So yummy!

easter tablescape

To get the table ready, I put some inexpensive flowers in my DIY painted blue mason jars (sadly none of cut tulips at the store were open at all, so I went with this mix instead), decoupaged some plastic eggs (although I really wish I'd gone with a smaller print paper napkin like the example I followed, but I just worked with what I had), chalkboard spray painted some plastic eggs to use as place cards, and the boys and I folded bunny napkins to set on my mom's good china. I thought everything turned out lovely, if I do say so myself!

It was definitely cozy with 10 people crowded around my dining room table, but hey, we're all family. It's cool!

With the egg hunt in the morning and the egg dying after that, plus all the cleaning and getting ready, it was a jam-packed day. But I didn't stress too much, thanks to my family for taking a huge burden off me by going potluck on the food, and thanks to the kids being really great (aside from a couple of minor scuffles...and Lorelai peeing on me. Oops, diaper malfunction)!

We had a truly wonderful Easter. And now after three whole posts on it, you'll never have to hear me talk about it again (until next year...ha!).