Thursday, March 22, 2012

Goodwill finds

I'm not an experienced thrifter by any means, but I've been checking out my local goodwill a lot more frequently these days primarily looking for clothes for the kids. I'm totally stoked about the stuff I found last week. Especially these boots. They're a size 10 though, so it'll be a while before Lorelai can wear them.

goodwill finds

I got two dresses, two shirts and a skirt for $2.35 each, a pair of jeans out of the infant bin for $1.19, the boots for $4.95 (sucks that all boots are the same price, even kid's boots), and a couple of cute non-breakable plates for Lorelai to use. Not bad for $21!

This shirt she wore today is a 4T, so it's a dress now, and it'll last a while. Talk about getting my money's worth. Yeah, baby. I'm frugal like that.

goodwill finds

I haven't really had any luck with anything other than clothes yet (I'm keeping my eye out for any DIY projects), but it was definitely a rush, finding cute stuff for cheap! I'm already looking forward to the next time and checking out a new goodwill that apparently just opened near my work.

Linking up with Harper's Happenings, whose posts on thrifting have really motivated me to stalk goodwill more often :)