Monday, April 16, 2012

Monster Jam

With all the Easter excitement, I almost forgot that Aidan and Logan went to Monster Jam last Saturday. Adam took them, and they all had so much fun!

Aidan and Logan at Monster Jam

They cheered on their favorite truck, Grave Digger, who won the freestyle. The arena was pretty small so the trucks couldn't do a lot of racing, but the boys said they did some awesome tricks. Aidan's favorite part was the big trucks doing wheelies, and Logan really loved watching the motor cross riders do back flips and freestyle tricks.

Adam said it was LOUD in there, so it was good that they had super stylish ear plugs :)

Ear plugs at monster jam

They also stuffed their bellies with $40(!!) worth of stadium food in the form of popcorn, soft pretzels, dippin' dots, nachos and Gatorade. It's impressive they didn't vomit from the sheer amount of junk food that was consumed. Although Aidan did have a tummy ache when he got home.

stadium food

A good time was had by all, and this was definitely a huge deposit into the memory bank for them.