Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Summer 2012 Bucket List

I've never done a summer bucket list before, but I thought it might be fun for us this year. Here's what I came up with.

Summer 2012 bucket list

Since we're in year-round schools, we've got five weeks of summer break. One down, only four to go. Yikes, that feels like no time at all! That's why I didn't make the list too long. And what do you know, we can already check a couple of items off:
  1. Go to the beach 
  2. Play in the rain (technically done, but I'd love to do this again and maybe I'll even get out there!)
  3. Have a picnic at the pool
  4. Go on a moonlight walk 
  5. Catch fireflies
  6. Make our own popsicles
  7. Light sparklers
  8. Go to a baseball game
  9. Enjoy treats from the ice cream truck

The ice cream man actually came by this weekend, so that one is checked off as well. But for the record, I plan to flag him down for an ice cream cookie every time I hear that magical sound. ☺

Anyone else have a summer bucket list? Anything I missed?