I know it's totally cliche, but it seems like just yesterday we were excitedly sending him off to his first day of second grade. He had a really great year. He had a seriously awesome teacher who motivated him to really excel. He made lots of friends, and really seemed to enjoy school, unlike in first grade.

Aidan has developed into an excellent reader, reading well above grade level. They started a new model for measuring student reading skills this year, and his mClass:Reading3D level is U. I'm not really sure how that translates to grade level, but he says his teacher told him it's a 6th grade reading level. At the end of the second quarter, he was assessed on both systems and was a DRA 44+/mClass S, which is 4th grade level, so 6th grade level is possible.
Yes, I'm kinda sorta bragging. I'm totally proud of him and his love for books. He's a total bookaholic, actually. Constantly begging me to get on Amazon to look up new books to buy him. He loves going to the library and coming home with a pile of new books. He read all of the Wimpy Kid and Big Nate books this year several times and can't wait until the new ones come out.
As far as math, he consistently performs on grade level and at several times throughout the year he was placed in the advanced math group. He says he really enjoys math, thank goodness! (He definitely doesn't inherit any math skills from me!)
His writing could definitely use some work--let's face it, he's not a great speller. But he's on grade level there, and if he can improve his spelling and elaborate on details more, he'll really start to get better. I'd love to see him start writing stories about some of the cool characters he's been drawing lately!

I'm so glad this year was a good one for Aidan, especially since Logan is following in his footsteps in July. I was so worried Aidan would have another bad year and it would just freak Logan out about Kindergarten. But since Aidan's excited about school, I really think (hope! pray!) that'll rub off Logan. He looks up to his brother SO much.

And now we're on summer break, yay! Not that a whole lot changes because Adam and I still work our same hours, but this just means no homework, time for the pool, summer camp activities, etc. We're looking forward to it!