Tuesday, July 10, 2012

{July} 10 on 10: A day in the life

My ten pictures all from today capture a fairly typical day in our life. Nothing exciting, but it's all about capturing the everyday moments, as opposed to the big events.

We wake up and get ready for work and school, and head out the door dropping Puppy and a paci at the top of the stairs on our way out.

1 {July}

We don't have a perfectly clean, organized home, so beds are left unmade.

2 {July}

I come home to a huge pile of dishes that need to be put away.

3 {July}

I make dinner, usually something super easy. Tonight, it was Pinterest to the rescue with Parmesan chicken bake. (Side note: it was good, but next time I'll reduce the seasoned salt and mayo/greek yogurt mixture just a tad.)

4 {July}

Then we eat. Aidan has a problem with me taking his picture (typical), Lorelai happily eats (typical) although she spent the rest of dinner tonight on my lap (not typical), and Logan gets a stomach ache and throws up (not typical, but unfortunately not the first time--he's a thrower-upper).

5 {July}

After we get dinner cleaned up, the boys play Star Wars Wii (sometimes it's a show, sometimes they play). Tonight, Adam showed them how it was done, and even unlocked a super cool new character.

6 {July}

Lorelai and I head upstairs to get ready for bed. She goes potty (no pee tonight, of course).

7 {July}

She plays in the bath for a while. Tonight, she played happily. Sometimes, she freaks out and gets me wet trying to crawl out.

8 {July}

We read a story while the boys shower and get ready for bed, and then it's lights out for her.

9 {July}

I read to the boys and have a one-on-one chat with them, and then we say goodnight.

10 {July}

And then I shower and Adam and I veg on the couch watching TV for a few hours. More dishes sit on the counter, toys are strewn across the living room floor, the desk is a complete mess. But I'm not moving until the next episode (we're on season 2, episode 4, no spoilers!) of The Walking Dead is over, and then I'm going straight to bed, ready to do it all again tomorrow. (Preferably without the throwing up!)

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