Wednesday, July 18, 2012

First day of kindergarten

Logan had his first day of Kindergarten today, and he did great! He was so excited and ready to go, as soon as he woke up. Today was his staggered entry day, so he goes for one day this week with a small fraction of his class, and then everyone goes on Friday.

Logan's first day of Kindergarten

Since it was his first day, we wanted to walk him in to school. Part of me was worried he would be nervous and get upset when we had to leave. With Logan, it can be hard to tell how he'll react to something. All along, he's had mixed emotions about Kindergarten. On the one hand, he's very resistant to change and has expressed concerns about not making any friends, and has fears about being bullied. On the other hand, he was excited to ride the bus to "big kid" school and about going to the same school as Aidan.

Aidan and Logan
Pardon Aidan's crazy hair...

Turns out I was worried for nothing. We were the first ones there (out of 5 others scheduled for today), so he was able to find his desk, give his teacher his supplies and get settled. We took pictures, gave hugs, kisses and high-fives and we were off, leaving him with a huge smile on his face and ready to spell his name with play doh.

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He took the bus home, which he was really excited about. And I wasn't worried about it all this time like I was with Aidan, since Aidan was there to make sure he got off at the right bus stop. Plus, his assistant teacher is the afternoon bus coordinator, so I knew she would make sure he got on the right bus.

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He had an excellent day! They toured the school, learned about all the rules, did lots of art projects, had recess, and ate lunch in the cafeteria. He said he even made a friend already. The best part is that he can't wait to go back. I'm so proud of my little man.