Sunday, July 29, 2012

To Lorelai on your 2nd birthday

Oh baby girl. I could say a million wonderful things about you. You're sweet, beautiful, hilarious, smart, cute, and snuggly.

{alazycrazylife}Lorelai bubbles

You love to run and jump (really jump, both feet off the ground!) and play.

 {alazycrazylife} Lorelai bubbles

You're so full of personality. I've died a thousand deaths of cuteness from the things you say and do.

 {alazycrazylife} Lorelai bubbles

Your teachers tell me how helpful you are and how special you are to them, and I love that they love you while we're not there. Your smile is infectious and your laugh, especially when the boys are doing something to crack you up, is music to my ears.

{alazycrazylife} silly girl

You can also be stubborn and strong-willed, but that's a good thing sometimes because you can hold your own with your crazy brothers. You tell them what's what and don't let them get away with anything. Your "No Logie" + finger wag when he accidentally hit you with his toy was simply awesome.

The new play kitchen we got  her is a hit!

 But boy do you sure bring out the soft side in them! Your hugs are like magic, they can cure even their worst grumpy mood.


When you call out to say "need you" we all come running. You have us wrapped around your finger, no doubt about it.



My favorite thing you say is "hold you" when you want to be picked up. When you grab my neck and rub or pat my back when you hug me, I melt. When I kiss your sweet face, I inhale to take in your sweet smell. You're like my happy pill, and I don't even care if that's a weird thing to say.


I love that you're talking more. Any concerns I had before are gone, because even though I can't understand you all the time, you're saying so many words and phrases, and you repeat so much. The most hilarous thing you say now is "I farted" (even though I have a hard time believe you're farting *that* much, silly girl). Thankfully, we've convinced you to also say "excuse me."


I love the way you ask for "milt" instead of milk. I love how you say "peas" and "thank you" when we prompt you, and when you want to do something yourself, you say "La-lai do it." I love when you sing songs and then cheer for yourself at the end, even if you only do an abbreviated version of the alphabet song. "A B C D E F G, next time won't you sing with me. YAY!" (Although you did finally make it all the way through this week with no help!) And "I love you mommy" and "I love you daddy" will never get old.


If I could freeze time, I'm pretty sure I'd freeze right now with you. You're still my snuggly baby and a little girl at the same time. But I can't freeze time, and you're growing up so fast! You're getting so big (all 31.4 pounds and 35 1/4 inches of you) and even though I want you to stay my baby forever, I can't wait to watch you keep learning and growing.

Let's learn not to touch fire, mmmkay? Good lookin' out, Grandma Ellie :)



You're my favorite girl in the world and we're all so lucky to have you in our lives. Happy 2nd birthday, sweet Lorelai!

