Now that the weather has finally gotten nice, we've been enjoying a lot more time outside. I've been getting back into running, and the boys have been going with me around the neighborhood with their scooters. Last night, I loaded Lorelai into the jogging stroller and we all went for a run while Adam made dinner.

The way she crosses her legs in the stroller just kills me. She's just chillin' all cute and stuff while I'm willing my body to keep moving.
But HOLY MOLY, it was rough! I don't know if it was the junk food I ate at lunch weighing me down or the yellow haze of pollen messing with my lungs (or both), but I was huffing and puffing WAY more than normal. Not that I normally run with Lorelai in the jogging stroller anyway--I really prefer to run without it. I mean, who wants to make running more difficult? Not me! Plus, my jogging app doesn't magically account for the extra calories I MUST be burning from pushing a 35lb kid in a stroller to help motivate me...
Side note: the last time I went on a good run with her, I ended thinking I had some sort of breast disease because it felt like someone was stabbing my right boob for like 4 days in a row. I was thisclose to calling my doctor. Only later did I realize that it was probably just radiating pain because my pec muscle was sore from the way I was pushing the stroller with my right arm as I ran (lame).

And this was the time I learned my lesson on how to NOT hold onto the jogging stroller...
But she had fun "chasing" after the boys, they had fun trying to leave me in their dust, and we all got some fresh (-ish--quality debatable with the previously mentioned pollen onslaught) air and exercise, so I'll quit my whining. Until the next time. :)