Friday, August 3, 2012

"Party" time

I'm so lucky that Aidan is pretty easy to please when it comes to birthday parties. We've done a couple of friend parties in the past which have been fun for him, but he's just as content to hang out with his family and chow down on pizza and cupcakes to celebrate his birthday. Add in some presents, multiply by the beach and aquarium, and subtract the stress of putting together a fancy party, and you end up with one happy birthday boy and one happy momma.


Bonus! The happy momma looks like an overachiever when she remembers to bring a couple of streamers, some random balloons and a happy birthday banner down to the beach to "decorate." Haha!


So glad Aidan is also easy to please in the decoration department. I should really add a "Pin it" button for this hotness. :)

Aidan was glad Grandma brought her presents for him down to the beach. (Lorelai was too, and had a mini-meltdown when she realized they weren't for her.)



How do you salvage a really crappy photo? Put a heavy Photoshop filter on it.

He actually got two rounds of presents and two birthday celebrations, since we did family presents and went to Moe's on his actual birthday.

Aidan's funny faces on his 8th birthday

Well, technically it's four if you count the present from Aunt Anna during Lorelai's party and the special Monday birthday shopping trip with Grandma and Grandpa. Now it's easy to see why he was totally cool with a low-key party. Homeboy was already spoiled :)

Hex bugs are mesmerizing.

Part of me worried that I was shortchanging him somehow by not doing a "real" party (and overlapping with Lorelai's birthday), especially since his cousins couldn't even come like they did last year. But then I remembered that we were giving him exactly the birthday celebration he asked for--at the beach and aquarium. He was happy, and I just needed to go with it.



He did get a little grumpy before bed, but I just think he was exhausted after a full day of playing hard on the beach. Overall, he had a great "party" and I hope his birthday wish comes true.

And now, for some photos we took on his birthday. Love!


