Or you go to the store to buy a bag so you can cross an item off your summer bucket list)...you make lemonade!
1 1/2 c. fresh squeezed lemon juice (we used 10 lemons, but added a fair amount of pulp)
1 1/4 c. white sugar
8 c. water
Combine sugar and 1 cup of water and bring to a boil on high heat, stirring constantly. Let cool
to room temperature and then chill in the fridge. While the simple syrup is cooling, juice lemons and mix with the rest of the water in a large pitcher. Add the simple syrup and enjoy!
Aidan and Logan were eager to help me make this yummy treat while Lorelai napped. I cut the lemons in half and they used their muscle power to juice the crap out of those lemons.
I even bought a juicer just for this occasion, and I'm SO glad I did. It would have been a nightmare to juice 10 lemons by hand. And now we have a good excuse to make fresh-squeezed lemonade (or limeade, or orangeade) all the time!
When Lorelai woke up, all 5 of us enjoyed a nice tall glass of it. But shhh, don't tell Lorelai--the boys got an extra glass for all their hard work (
and because the entire amount was too big for my 2qt pitcher, whomp whomp).
They're already asking when we can make it again. I'm excited to experiment with some other recipes as well. Strawberry lemonade, anyone? Yum indeed. :)