Thursday, July 18, 2013

Full of stress

Ok, Yeah. I got nothin' but a bunch of complaints. Here goes. And I'm sorry.

I've never been so consistently busy at work where I don't feel like there's enough time in the day to get everything done. For pretty much the past week, I've been in the office for 9 hours working all the way through lunch, and then logging back in at night when I get home to check emails and pull reports.

But at least i still have a job. There were layoffs at my company this week and a really great guy got let go, which was very unsettling for a lot of us. That night, I had a dream that I was the one laid off, yikes. Which leads me to...

Dude. I'm exhausted. I haven't been sleeping well because there's too much on my brain--work and otherwise. Can't shut it off to fall asleep. In fact, I started writing this on my phone at 11:15 at night to get these thoughts out of my head so I can sleep! It only sort of worked.

We're supposed to go to the beach this weekend and I can't even get my brain to comprehend all that we need to pack. And I'm worried I'll get stuck at work on Friday and not have time to actually do any packing.

Aidan and Lorelai have birthdays coming up with very few presents bought and no real parties planned. Well, Aidan will have his "party" at the beach, but with what presents? I DON'T KNOW! And I guess we'll have family over for dinner for Lorelai's birthday, but I DON'T KNOW! Lame.

And to top it all off, Adam had to travel for work this week, and now his flight is delayed and won't be home until after 11.

Whew. There's more, but that's plenty of negativity for one post.


So now I'll just leave you with this funny clip of Lorelai "reading" to me in the tub. I can usually understand almost everything she says, so I can assure you she was speaking legit gibberish for half of this. I hope that's not what she hears when I read to her. ;) I definitely heard something about a spider and a frog, and then advice on how to put your face in the water. "Yep! You did it." "Oh. Wrong page." Silly girl.

And now, with a smile on my face courtesy of my funny girl, I'm going to attempt to go to sleep. Wish me luck!