Thursday, November 15, 2012

My kids crack me up

Time for another installment of Lorelai-isms, because this chick continues to crack us up on the regular.


So one day, Adam was getting dressed for work and chose some jeans (not what Lorelai is used to seeing him wear). She yelled at him saying "mommy's jeans!!" and flopped to the ground in a meltdown until he picked a different pair. (To her credit, we both have a pair of MEKs that look similar. Twinsies!)

She also yelled at him when she thought he was using my loofah in the shower. Ha!


She loves to get baby wipes for her baby doll, Emmy, and pull the legs back to wipe her bottom. She's very thorough. If only she could be that thorough on herself after she pees (and not use that same wipe on her face. Yeah, that happened.)

In a conversation with Adam, I said "You're my hubby!" Lorelai heard and repeated "you're my happy?" Sounds about perfect to me :)


Make no mistake, this girl is heavy! And I let her know it when I pick her up or have to carry her for a long time. She's started to imitate me, complete with sound effects, saying "Ergh, Emmy's so heavy" when she carries her doll and "Ergh, Lorelai's so heavy, Mommy?" when I pick her up.

And she makes this "Ooooh" face all the time. I just want to eat her up.


Lorelai apparently doesn't like the "p" sound, so she says things like "Fillow fet" and "i-Fad." She also says "Cinder Bella" instead of Cinderella. I don't correct her, it's just too freakin' cute.

She also refers to herself in the third person. She'll say "that's a picture of my Lorelai" or "need a tissue for my Lorelai" or "need a band aid for my Lorelai." (Yes, she's still obsessed with band aids.)


Lorelai isn't the only one saying the darnedest things. After Logan got his really long double-sided Darth Maul light saber to go with his Halloween costume, he was playing with it and said "it's really hard to play with this thing without hitting yourself in the nuts."


Logan has also started saying "oh em gee" or just "oh em...". Not sure where he got that from, I really don't think I say OMG out loud like that (or maybe I do? Oops.)


Aidan also cracks me up sometimes with the funny things he says. But lately, it's the tone of voice he's been using--sounding just like a snarky teen. On multiple occasions, I've heard him snark to Logan, "seriously, Logan? Seriously?! Did you really just ___??" Don't worry, I try not to let him see me laugh because I don't really encourage that kind of talk--it's only funny now when it's not directed at me or Adam. :)


And thanks to at least one kid in his class (which is a story for another post, probably), Aidan is now very aware of curse words. I had music on during dinner one night and Aidan leaned over to me and whispered, "Mommy. They just said the h word." Oy. His poor innocence. But the way he whispered it so seriously to me so his brother and sister wouldn't hear was really funny.


Kids are just so funny. So glad I've got a few of my own for some good laughs. :)