I spent almost 2 glorious hours at Target this morning after I dropped Lorelai off and school and got the boys on the bus. Just me and my Starbucks, browsing leisurely with no one jumping out of carts, running around the aisles, asking to leave, asking for toys, etc, etc.

Despite the semi-scowl, I was in my happy place (I was just frustrated because the funhouse mirror by the sunglasses were giving me a complex--I had to take a pic with my phone to decide which glasses I liked best) . And you better believe those are the $8 sunglasses; the $17 ones are too rich for my blood ;)
Then I headed to my appointment, hit Old Navy for a couple of things, grabbed some quick lunch at home, and then instead of sitting on my butt the rest of the day (which would have also been really nice, but I'm all caught up on my DVR'd shows now so there was nothing to watch), I headed back out to Goodwill. I hoped to find some inspiration for a Pinterest-y DIY project or Christmas gift (oh yeah, holiday shopping is already stressing me out, too), but just ended up scoring some cheap pants for Lorelai and a couple of Christmas decorations. It was a successful trip, nonetheless.

Those color-coordinate aisles of clothes always make me giggle for some reason.
Truth be told, I'm actually not much of a shopaholic, because I'm cheap and indecisive, and get frustrated when I don't know exactly what I'm looking for, or can't find what I want in my price range. But you wouldn't have known that by looking in my Target cart today! The retail therapy was just what I needed this week. It was good for my mental health...and probably ended up cheaper than going to a shrink, ha!

The moral of this story is that I can't keep going going going...doing things for work, for my family, for my home, for everyone else, without specifically carving out time in my schedule just for me. But as a mom, it's just hard to actually do, especially when your kids are still young and clingy.
If only I had the kind of unlimited funds that not only allowed me to stay home but also to partake in as much retail therapy as I want. A girl can dream, right? It's cool, I can always schedule more days off and pretend every once in a while. :)