Aidan and Logan actually did go to a pumpkin patch on a field trip, so at least they weren't deprived of the experience. It's just me and Lorelai who were deprived. (Adam doesn't count since he wouldn't sign off on a trip this weekend to get pumpkins we didn't need just for the pooper! It's like he doesn't even know me and my obsessive need to take photos, ha!)
We did end up having some other fall fun at a local farm during a work-sponsored family outing (aka, FREE!). Which is why, in Adam's mind, we didn't need another trip. Corn maze does not equal pumpkin patch, but after last year, it's a close second on my fall bucket list, so I guess I shouldn't be too bitter.

We made our way through the first section of the maze, and by that time, Lorelai was over it. She was actually over it by marker 2 out of she and I headed back to do some other activities while the boys raced their way through the rest of the maze.

We ended up at the bounce house, aka, Lorelai's happy place. Pretty sure she couldn't care less about the lack of pumpkins as long as she has a bouncy house to play in.

There were tractors to climb...

Rabbits to see...

Faces to get painted...(oh my, I can't tell you how much I LOVE that Lorelai was willing to get her face painted--she was very hesitant at first, but the end result was SO worth it. Beautiful! And she got compliments from pretty much every single person at her Great Grandma's nursing home that afternoon.)

And hay bales to climb, swings, cornhole, and other fun activities. Unfortunately, many activities were not included in the admission price, which I didn't love, but we made the most of of the free activities.

And we did get to go on a legit hay ride--with actual hay this year--so that was a win in my book.

That pumpkin we have is from a bin next to our food tent, compliments of the company event. No actual picking involved so it doesn't count.
Not pictured: the goats and cow. Why? Because Lorelai freaked the freak out as soon as she saw the cow and wouldn't go near the barnyard. She held onto me for dear life so hard that it was impossible for me to get any pictures of Aidan and Logan enjoying the animals.
The weather was not great--we had light rain for a bit which put a damper on some of our fun, but all in all, it was a nice fall family outing. We had so much fun in fact, that it was only as we were driving out of the parking lot passing by their pumpkin patch (which was oddly not near any of the other activities), that I realized I didn't have a single pumpkin picking picture.

But next year I'm already planning on going back to Phillip's Farm where we went last fall and then again in the spring for strawberries because I like their all-inclusive setup much you can pick pumpkins off the vine there. Pumpkins, people. Not a negotiable fall photo op! :)
Oh well...there's always next year. (Or tomorrow, if I can convince Adam that we NEED to go after school!)

PS: No husbands were yelled at in the making of this post. :)