Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Mother's day

Mommy, I love you
For all that you do.
I’ll kiss you and hug you,
‘Cause you love me, too.
You feed me and need me
To teach you to play,
So smile ’cause I love you
On this Mother’s Day!

(from Aidan's card to me)

Mother's day 2012

My Mother's day was great. I spent pretty much the whole day with a perma-grin on my face, marveling at the fact that I've got the three most amazing, sweet, wonderful, fantastic kids in the history of ever (and next I will talk about rainbows and unicorns, because I'm clearly in that kind of mood, haha!).

But really, I feel so incredibly lucky. I love love love being a mom and I love my kids more than words. I don't even need a holiday to make me feel special. Although a day that's all about my kids having to be nice to me certainly isn't a bad thing!

The kids woke up (way too) bright and early, excited to give me the cards and gifts they made, as well as a gift certificate for a massage and pedicure. They went on a super secret mission with Daddy to purchase this, so they were all excited about it.

We lounged around the house all morning and watched the original Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory (much anticipated since finishing the book a couple of weeks ago). After naps, we headed to Adam's parents house for some yummy dinner and family time to celebrate with our moms.

Grandmas, moms, and sisters. We're so lucky we got to spend Mother's day all together.

I'm lucky because I have great kids, but I'm also beyond blessed that I have an amazing mom and mother-in-law. Adam and I wouldn't be the parents we are without them, so that's kind of a big deal!

Lorelai, me, my mom

Adam and his mom

And of course, the day wouldn't be complete without water balloons and play time in the sprinklers!

sprinkler fun


It wasn't even all that warm that day, and it was about to rain, but they had such a blast! Lorelai wasn't so sure about it at first, but with some encouragement from the boys and from the audience above, she got plenty wet.




She and Raina were so cute together.

Lorelai and Raina

And the kids were all cute on their own, too. Love those sweet faces!




And the boys were silly as always.

silly boys

I just love it when the cousins get together. We did get one normal picture of them before things got crazy :)


The one disappointing thing about the day was that I was super upset to discover (after the fact) that so many of the pictures of me and the boys were out of focus. The one at the top of this post was the least terrible, but even if the picture isn't perfect, it still captured the memory of a wonderful day. I'm thankful that I got any at all, and can't bring myself to delete them, so I just have to embrace them at this point.

blurry, so sad

I also captured the memory of Lorelai being completely uncooperative after a long day and too many pictures. Note to self: don't wait until the very end of the day to take pictures, and put the camera on full auto for a few, just to be on the safe side (dreaded flash be damned).

Mommy and Lorelai

I hope everyone else had a fantastic Mother's day, too!

(PS: check out my awesome Mother's day last year here. I gotta admit, I kind of missed my manicure from Aidan this year!)