Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Birthday lobster

I don't really remember growing up with too many family traditions (aside from Christmas ones). However, the one notable tradition we did have is a pretty awesome one: lobster birthday dinners.

For as long as I can remember (back to when my sister was a baby and she sucked on the lobster legs while the rest of us got the good stuff), just about every year we would get live Maine lobsters from the store and boil them up at home for a fancy birthday dinner (decked out in the super fancy plastic lobster bibs, back in the day). It was something I always looked forward to, especially since we would never get lobster at any other time of the year.

This year, my mom brought the lobster to my house, along with shrimp and crab legs. It was a seafood fest, and it was fabulous!

birthday lobster
Get in mah belly!

birthday crab legs

Unfortunately, I don't think this will be a tradition my kids will carry on, since the only seafood they'll eat is canned tuna.

The boys have seen the live lobsters we've cooked a couple times before, but this was Lorelai's first time. I think she took her cue from Aidan, Logan, Shaun and Raina, who were all interested but still squealing in simultaneous fear and delight. I think one of the boys must have called the lobster nasty, so that's what Lorelai kept saying as she kept a safe distance from it. "That's nasty."

Hmmm...what's this?
"Hmmm...what's this?"

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"Whoa, too close! Get me away from that thing!"

showing off the birthday lobster

Adam's not a fan, either. I remember the first time he came over to my mom's house for lobster. I don't think he realized we got live lobsters and liked to carry them around the house before we boiled them (I do realize that's probably weird). I walked into the living room with one to show him, and he was not happy about it at all. I think he did actually try it, but not before he had my mom remove the tail and claws so he didn't have to see the head and body chilling there on his plate. He's never eaten lobster since. ☺

19th birthday?
My dog wasn't even phased by the lobster I was dangling in his face. Adam on the other hand...not happy about it.

19 birthday?
I think this was my 19th birthday? Maybe 20th?

A special thanks to my mom for bringing the lobster and crab legs (and spaghetti for Adam and the kids), and my sister for bringing the shrimp (which is the only shellfish Adam will eat). And a very special thanks to my sister's boyfriend for not wanting to eat his lobster. Yay, more for me!

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Lorelai and Aunt Jillian, chillin' after dinner

And of course I had to include these super sweet picture of Lorelai and Raina playing so nicely together. It was so nice having her there to play with Lorelai because it freed me up (somewhat) to hang out and eat.

Lorelai and Raina

They are just so stinkin' cute together!

 Lorelai and Raina