Friday, February 17, 2012

What's for dinner?

Nothing awesome, that's for sure. I really need to be better about meal planning because when I don't, I end up scrambling last minute and this is what happens for dinner. Especially when Adam isn't home to eat with us.

what's for dinner?
        Lorelai's dinner                                    Aidan and Logan's dinner                          My dinner. Not even kidding.

Lorelai had a hodge podge, most of which she didn't even eat. Like 2 black beans, a bite of string cheese and a cracker. She demolished the grapes though and had a half a banana. Guess she didn't appreciate my lack of planning. And for the second time this week, the boys had chef boyardee. At least it's the whole grain kind, but come on. Canned meals? I'm so lazy! At least they enjoy it (they requested it).

My meal was kind of awesome though. That's a spinach smoothie (spinach, banana and grapes) there with the girl scout cookies, so I figure the healthiness of the smoothie (plus a handful of carrots to fill my veggie quota for the day) totally cancels out the unhealthy yumminess that is samoas. For the record, I did NOT eat the whole box. But the rest of them are calling my name as we speak. I'm trying not to listen. I swear, the 4 boxes of cookies we bought are going to be my downfall.

But I do have big plans for tomorrow's dinner. I found this recipe for crock pot honey sesame chicken on pinterest, so we'll see how that goes. I'm pretty excited about it. Although, I hope it's not the sesame seeds that make or break this meal, because I couldn't find them at the store. Hope it goes well so I can add it to my meal rotation!