Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Bodyrockin' in the house tonight

In addition to running again, I've started Bodyrock.tv's  30-day challenge. I felt like I needed something more to kick my butt into shape and when my trusty exercise tv on demand let me down (where did all of those exercise programs go???), I decided to go with this one (based on Ariel's suggestion) since it's online and free. No DVDs to buy or anything.

I did the fit test on Sunday, and those measly 7 minutes kicked.my.butt. I was definitely sore the next day, but last night Adam and I forged ahead with day 2. Just 12 minutes, but it's intense. Like whoa. I watched the video because I had no idea what some of the exercises were (and man, the sets are complicated!) and I almost decided to quit the whole thing when the instructor was dripping sweat and completely out of breath. Talk about discouraging. If it's difficult for her, there's no hope for me!

Seriously, look at her. Wow.

Some of those exercises are impossible for me to do as she does, so fortunately there were modifications (which are later in the video, after you've already decided you're a failure...design flaw? hmmm). I also improvised with my own modifications during the sets, but I figure that's ok, at least I'm doing something. Hopefully I'll get better with practice, but for now, I'll just be flailing around in my living room looking like a fool. Thank goodness only Adam is there to laugh at me!

I don't know how I'm going to fit this in with running since it's already hard enough to find time to run, so this challenge will take longer than 30 days, for sure. I just hope I start seeing results even if I'm not able to do it every single day.

PS. I'm doing the January challenge because that's what came up when I googled, and I didn't realize there was a February one as well. I'd love to get to the point where I'm doing this in real time, though.