Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wacky weather

The weather here has been totally bipolar lately.

We went from this on Saturday...

wacky winter warmth this on Sunday night.

winter cold

We enjoyed a very spring-like 65 and sunny on Saturday, then by Sunday it was freezing and rainy, with our first snow of the year overnight.

There were 2-hour delays across the area (good call because of what seemed like lots of black ice), but the kids already had the day off for a teacher workday and I had to go to work like normal, so it wasn't even a good snow. I think we only got about an inch overnight and it warmed up and any trace of snow was gone before lunch. Lame!

And now it's going to be 75 degrees tomorrow. Crazytown. Not that I'm complaining about the unseasonably warm weather, but all this back and forth is not cool. And as much as I don't care for cold weather, I'd kinda like one good snow day before winter is over. I'm curious to see if the boys' snowman building has gotten any better since last year. Ha!

Snowman from December 2010
Is that a nose...or not? Hmmmm :) (December 2010)


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