Unless you're like me, and take vacation during the week between Christmas and New Years, stay hunkered down in full Christmas mode, spending as much time as you can with your family. I'm talking decorations still up, tree lights on, still watching Christmas movies in our PJs until the afternoon. Kind of like a Christmas honeymoon where you can still pretend like it's Christmas but all the stress is gone. I see so many people ready to get rid of all traces of Christmas the minute the last present is unwrapped, but not me.

The Santa Clause, The Santa Clause 2 and their new Skylanders Swap Force game were all enjoyed.
And when we got inevitably stir-crazy after sitting on the couch all day doing nothing, we headed out to Chili's with Christmas gift cards in hand. There were even still playing Christmas music on Saturday. :)

I don't go back to work until January 2, and I'm soaking in every moment of my time off, remembering all of the Christmas fun.

Eggnog and treats left for Santa, Twas the Night before Christmas in front of the tree.
And with that, I'll leave you with a big old photo dump of our wonderful Christmas, filled with family, fun and presents galore. But noticeably absent of any good (DSLR) photos or a single picture of the 5 of us together. It wasn't until we were packing up our stuff at the in-laws' and I grabbed my good camera that I realized I didn't use it at all and didn't get a picture of the cousins like my mother-in-law asked. I'm honestly bummed, but there's nothing I can do about it now except be grateful for the few photos I did get here and there during the day.
We started with a flurry of presents unwrapped at home.

Then we hit the road by 9am to spend the day with Adam's family. You want guaranteed chaos? Put 8 kids and 12 adults in a small room with a million presents. It's the best kind of chaos...if only we could have seen everyone's reaction when they opened all the presents we got them. But just try to tell those 8 kids to go one at a time. Yeah, not gonna happen. :)

Grandma Cheryl.

Cousins Luca and baby Piper. Lorelai was obsessed.

The kids played outside with some of their new toys.

Logan was so excited to try out his new hovercraft.
There was also eating, loom bands and plenty of lounging.

And look! I was even there, as proven by these ridiculous selfies. :)

Me and my boys. Missing my girl though, and a photo of the whole family.
By the end of the day, we were all beat and ready for a good night sleep. It was a simply great day.

Snuggle pile with Aunt Sarah, Luca, Lorelai and Scout.
Of course I'm sad it's over, but it'll be here again next year. And the anticipation until then is half the fun anyway. ;)