Thursday, December 12, 2013

Good news!

{A Lazy Crazy Life}

I'm happy to say that after a long 2+ months, Adam has a job! He accepted a verbal offer on Tuesday, and signed his offer papers today. He starts at the end of the month. Hammalujia! I'm so, SO happy for him that he found what seems to be a really good fit. A lateral move, so he didn't have to settle for a position below what he was doing before. Which, let me tell you--was a definite challenge. There were far more open positions for property managers than his desired regional manger position, so he put in lots (and lots) of applications to positions for which he was overqualified. As a hiring manager, he knows firsthand that in most cases, his resume was completely passed over because he was overqualified. Not many people want to hire someone who would be better at their job than they are, you know?

So after a fair amount of disappointment and frustration, his patience paid off and the stars have aligned. We can enjoy the holidays with a great weight lifted off our shoulders knowing that bigger and better things are officially right around the corner for him. Whew!

To celebrate, we went out to eat at Moe's and then did some Christmas shopping. And I think Adam and I both slept a little easier that night, knowing that the future is a little more certain.

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