Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

My loves, my hearts. The ones who made me a mother and introduced me to the deepest and best love I'll ever know.

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It's been a wonderful Mother's Day weekend full of some of my favorite things: fun, family and food. I couldn't have asked for a better weekend.

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Special breakfast of specialty donuts and biscuits.

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Strawberry picking (separate post to come).

Happy Mother's Day to my wonderful mother and mother-in-law, and to all of the other fabulous moms I know.

And special birthday wishes to my mom today. I love her so much and wouldn't be the mom I am without her love and support. Cheers to you, mom!

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Of course I didn't manage to get a single picture of me and my mom this weekend, or Adam and his mom for that matter. But we were able to spend time together, and that's the most important thing.