Saturday, September 7, 2013


Happy 7th birthday to my sweet, charming, shy, funny, friendly, sensitive, crazy, athletic, smart, loving Logan.

{A Lazy Crazy Life}

I don't want to jinx myself, but I kind of feel like Logan has turned a corner in this last year. The meltdowns are less frequent and less intense, which is a huge deal. He's still sensitive and gets his feelings hurt pretty easily, but he's learning how to handle that better. And his teacher told me the other day that he was really "adaptable and go-with-the-flow." Say what?! Music to my ears, for sure.

He's doing amazingly well in school. Blowing his assessment scores out of the water, in the top learning group for each of his subjects (reading, spelling and math) and really seeming to enjoy it. When I asked him if he was raising his hand in class to participate, he said yes. When I asked if he got the answer right, he gave me a coy little smile and said "I always get the answer right." I love seeing that confidence coming from him.

He's still so good with his sister, loves playing with Aidan, and makes friends left and right. He's maturing right before my eyes, and I love seeing this glimpse of the man he could turn out to be.

{A Lazy Crazy Life}

Some other things I want to remember about Logan at age 7:
  • He's into Skylanders and Pokeman, making a beeline straight there with no hesitation when birthday shopping with Grandma and Grandpa. He's also into Legos like his brother, and they're still saving up for the Death Star together.
  • He likes reading Flat Stanley, Captain Underpants and Frannie K Stein books. He's got excellent reading comprehension and reading fluency (MClass level K; goal for beginning of 1st grade is E), but he still prefers to be read to at home.
  • He's much less inclined to spend his allotted technology time sitting on the couch watching a TV show--he'd much rather watch Adam play his League of Legends computer game.
  • He's still super athletic, although we don't have him in any organized sports right now. I think we might try basketball this winter.
  • He's a whiz at arcade games, just like his dad.
  • He can seriously chow down on some food. I swear, he eats burritos and bananas Conehead style!


I totally dropped the ball this year and didn't plan any kind of official party. Instead, his special request was to have breakfast at Dunkin' Donuts and go to Adventure Landing to play some putt-putt and arcade games.

{A Lazy Crazy Life}

We had a great time, just the five of us (ahem, no matter what Logan says to the contrary after his feelings got hurt during a Lorelai tantrum...). And tonight we'll have a pizza party with Grandma Ellie and cousins Shaun and Raina. Low key, but enjoyable.

{A Lazy Crazy Life}

To my Logie-lou, I couldn't be more proud of you if I tried. You're an amazing person, and I'm so excited to continue to watch you grow and learn. Tonight at 5:40, I'll hug you tight and remember the moment you came into this world and into my life, changing it forever for the better. I love you more than words.

{A Lazy Crazy Life}
Cheer up, buttercup! It's your birthday!