Behold the creative genius of Aidan and Logan: a mohawked cyclops ghost. They sketched and I carved. Love it! (We only had one pumpkin big enough to carve this year)
From my Minnie, Creeper and Hawkeye to you--Happy Halloween!
So after several years "off" from making costumes, we ended up DIYing Aidan's MineCraft Creeper head and Logan's Hawkeye costume when we couldn't agree on any of the store-bought costumes that weren't $$. Sorry, but I don't want to spend $40 on something you're going to wear once, dudes.
But what we ended up with was absolutely perfect. In Adam's abundant free time (a perk to being unemployed? It gave him something fun to distract him, at least!) he used this tutorial to make Logan's bow and arrow set, and I followed her instructions for the arm band. We just cut the fingers off a cheap knit glove for the other hand. Grandma Cheryl sewed the fabric and zipper onto the t-shirt and I just ended up hem taping some grosgrain ribbon to the raw edges of the fabric so it didn't fray out of the stitching. Not too difficult, and it turned out great!
The quiver is just duck-taped thin cardboard; the strap is duck tape as well.
After we put the kibosh on Aidan's "scary jester costume" idea to the tune of $34.99, he decided he wanted to be a MineCraft Creeper. Adam just taped 12x12 inch pieces of cardboard together into a box and I spray glued/taped the printed out pattern. (I used the template from this youtube.) Bonus: that shirt from Target can be worn anytime!
Creepers gonna creep...
Lorelai was the easy one--once she saw that Minnie Mouse costume at Target, she put it in the cart and that was that. I just bought some slippers (I was going to get her some anyway since she's outgrown her old ones) and duck taped the bottom so she could wear them outside without damaging them. Boom, done.
mesmerized by a group of early trick-or-treaters...way too distracted to smile or look at me!
We had great weather for trick-or-treating tonight and made it to quite a few houses before our buckets were full (enough) and our feet were tired.
The kids also got to wear their costumes to my work for trick-or-treating, and to the annual fall festival at our daycare. Rave reviews on their costumes all around.
We had a happy Halloween, indeed! Now please excuse me while I go stuff my face with all of the candy Lorelai can't eat (and then feel gross about it later).