Monday, February 10, 2014

Big girl in an even bigger bed

Look at that--it's a big girl in an even bigger bed. :)

{A Lazy Crazy Life}

Lorelai has been in a toddler bed since last June when we took the railing off her crib. I was in no hurry to upgrade to a full size bed because she was still regularly wetting through her diaper/pull-up. It's way easier to change a small crib mattress in the middle of the night! But as of Christmas, she's officially nighttime potty trained and in underwear all night with no accidents, so it was time for a new bed.

{A Lazy Crazy Life}

We went with a full size bed since the crib converts to a full size headboard, so she's got plenty of room. And some to spare for when she wants me to snuggle when I tuck her in at night. :) Which is nice, since we sold the glider/ottoman on Craislist to make room for the ginormous bed, so I can't rock her anymore after story time. Sniff. My baby is growing up.

She's been in it for a month now, and although there was a brief period where she said she hated her room (not her bed, just her room) and would rather sleep in the guest bedroom instead (SO frustrating!), she loves it. We got a new chair for her "reading corner" from Target on clearance for $15, regularly $50. We also hung a pink butterfly from the ceiling that was a bribe gift from her teacher for staying in her own bed for five nights in a row.

{A Lazy Crazy Life}

I really wasn't ready to part with her nursery decor, so I picked out some clearance sheets at Walmart that coordinate, and got a plain white down alternative comforter (and later added this white duvet I got on sale) to keep things simple. In the near future, I really want to repaint her headboard white, and her furniture as well. But "near future" really means "when I find time to get off my lazy butt on the weekend and tackle a DIY project" so...not soon? Don't hold your breath.

{A Lazy Crazy Life}
I also need to make and hang some art (or something) and her letter L on the blank wall to the right of the mirror. I bought the canvas, so maybe that'll happen soon.

And maybe in a few years, we'll completely re-do her decor and have her help decide what she wants. Probably something purple. But it was hard enough for me to completely dismantle the crib and ditch the glider that we've had in that room for almost 10 years, so baby steps. I don't like change, ok? :)

But I do like her new and improved room.