This year, I was determined to go to a farm with a legit pumpkin patch and corn maze instead of settling for a parking lot "pumpkin patch" with no fun extras like we did
last year (and every other year before). So a couple of weekends ago on a simply gorgeous fall day (and after a soccer game that ran late and almost ruined our plans) we headed over to a local farm to get our fall fun on.
The thing I was most excited about was the corn maze. Aidan was the only one who had ever actually done a corn maze before (he went on a field trip last year)--this was a first for the rest of us, including me and Adam. I was psyched!
We grabbed our emergency "help me!" flag and a set of clues, and tried to keep up with the boys as they led the way to each stop. We chose the interactive maze with entertainment clues and learned that Dolly Parton was only 13 when she released her first album...after we went the wrong way at our first turn. Oops!. I was worried we were going to run short on time so we made it a race to see how fast we could get through.
We made it out in about 20 minutes with no more wrong answers (yay for being TV junkies) and only had to carry this little cutie for the last part of it. I think she was just mad we took the flag from her because she kept getting stuck and hitting people with it :)
There are a few of these types of farms in the area to choose from, and some of them are so expensive!! This one was the least expensive, but it was also one of the closest, so that alone made it a winner in my book. It had a lot of fun things to do besides the corn maze. I do wish it had a corn crib and a barnyard...but we still had a total blast with the activities they had.
No barnyard, but we did ride some "cows" around the pond. :)
There were big tractors and tether ball. Bonus: Lorelai only got hit in the face once!
I'm so glad Lorelai had no interest in the big, bumpy slide. The boys shot out of those things like a cannon. Twice down and they were ready quit bruising their bums.
The guys had a bit of friendly competition on the race track. Make no mistake, Adam was in it to win it--no Mr. Nice Dad going easing to let them win. I think he may have even cut Aidan off on a turn at one point. The boys didn't care one bit though, it was all in good fun...until the end when we realized Aidan couldn't reach the brake. Luckily the guy working the track caught him just in time.
After Adam's legs were sufficiently jello-y, we headed over to cornhole and the bounce house where Logan almost broke Lorelai (but let's just forget about that, yikes! They way he fell on her was seriously scary...).
Aidan and Adam also did some corn launching. They aimed for the Duke target, but no luck, darn! :)
Duck racing kept them busy for a while while we waited for the hay ride to take us over to the pumpkin patch.
But then we had to wait some more because the first one filled up. I just wish we had gotten the kettle corn they were making fresh while we were waiting. Yum!
Turns out, it was a hay ride minus the hay, which the boys were pretty angry about. Actually, and I kind of agree. Hay ride with real hay is going on my fall bucket list for next year! But once we got to the field, it was all about finding the perfect pumpkin.
Um, I didn't realize how much more difficult it is to find good pumpkins while you're trying not to trip through the field full of ruts and vines, while holding a camera and your toddler's hand, when she just wants you to pick her up because she keeps tripping (see also:
this photo). All alone, since the eager beavers of the male persuasion just ran ahead and left us.
After a lot of promising but ultimately rejected pumpkins, we found our favorite three.
But by then, the last ride of the evening was waiting to take us back, so it was a mad dash from the far end of the field to pay and hitch our ride back.
We had some really great quality family time on a gorgeous day, making memories. Fall has never been my favorite season (I'm more of a spring girl, myself) but this type of thing could totally change my mind. I love watching the kids have fun and can't wait to do it again next year!
Who knows, we may even splurge for the fancy place next time...:)