Here was our week:
Sunday funday! Despite the fact that we stayed in our PJs all day, we had a fun and productive day. We colored, built (and destroyed) forts and jumped on pillows. The boys also addressed all of their class valentines and we did a craft: wax paper crayon hearts. It took Lorelai's entire nap time for me to string them together into a garland, but they're cute. And still hanging a week later.
On Monday, Lorelai pitched a fit when I didn't wear the shoes she wanted me to wear. She wouldn't stop crying until I changed. I took her to school in my tennis shoes and changed into my boots at Aidan's bus stop. I also had a super yummy lunch with my work team at Bali Hai Mongolian Grill where I ate that ENTIRE plate of food. In my defense, it was more than half veggies and I barely had any rice. That night while I was making dinner, Lorelai decided to rearrange the tupperware cabinet. So helpful.
Tuesday, V-day! More pics from our dinner that almost never was. Logan's looking nice and cheery, post-vomit. You're welcome for no pictures of that.
On Wednesday, Lorelai came home from school with another wacky 'do. She was also weird about her sour cream. She'd happily lick it off her right thumb, but had to have it wiped off her left thumb. Odd! It was a gorgeous day out, so I decided to go for a run--my first since November. Like I mentioned, it was rough. I've got a lot of work to do to get back to where I was. I'm also on a health kick, so I made a spinach, banana and berry smoothie. The berries made it a lovely baby poo color, but it was tasty at least :)
Thursday was nasty and rainy, but Friday was nice again. Aidan was out of school for a teacher workday so I worked from home. After we dropped Logan and Lorelai off at daycare, Aidan, Adam and I went to Starbucks for some coffee and hot chocolate. Nice way to start the day. Girl scout cookies were a nice way to end the day, too. Health kick? What?!
Saturday was another gorgeous day. I went for another run while the kids played outside. I drew a frog and Logan drew a huge fly. Looks like the frog is licking the fly's butt, right? We're so mature. Lorelai loved it when Adam pushed her really fast. Watch out, speed demon!
That was our week, how was yours?
Linking up with a good life, you should too!
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