At 10, Aidan LOVES to read. His current obsession is Harry Potter and anything Rick Riordan. When he's not reading, in his spare time he likes to swim, play soccer, watch TV or play video games. That's why we have limits on the amount of non-educational technology he has access to for the week. :)
And he's still so friendly and outgoing. I so love that he can make friends easily and isn't hampered by shyness like I am/was. He came home from the first day of school already talking about his new friends. But Logan is still his best friend. Logan and Lorelai are so lucky to have a brother like Aidan.
Every year it never fails―I get emotional thinking about when he was born. In that moment, I couldn't have hoped for a better person to call my son, and he never ceases to amaze me. At 2:06 pm today at work, I looked at the clock and remembered the overwhelming feeling I felt that same moment exactly 10 years ago.
"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose." ― Dr. Seuss
I've always loved that Dr. Suess book. And I love every bit of this simply amazing boy who's growing up right before my eyes. While I miss the little baby he used to be, I can't help but be excited to know the great man he's going to become.
"Kid, you'll move mountains!"
Love you so much, buddy.
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