I'll start with Mother's Day since those are the most recent pics on my camera--and easiest to go through since I only took a few. Oops!
I had a really wonderful Mother's Day weekend. Quality family time, some fun, some relaxation, and lots of love.
A busy day of strawberry picking and pool time on Saturday led to some sleeping in--always VERY appreciated! Of course "sleeping in" is a relative term--on Sunday that meant Lorelai didn't wander into our bed until close to 7:30. The boys followed a little after 8am with homemade cards galore. Adam also surprised me with a generous spa gift card so I can go get spoiled with a massage and facial.
They each had written such sweet things about me and to me, I couldn't help but get teary from all the sweetness. And then I laughed when I saw that Aidan loves me because I pay for water so he can clean himself.
And Logan thinks I'm "prettier than a diamond" and would rather "have two of you than a diamond." {{cue the heart melting}}
We had a really low-key day, which was all I needed. Sure, I could have done without the grocery shopping, but we really needed food, so it was all good. :) That afternoon, we headed to the in-laws' place and had dinner with them and my mom.
As I was tucking Aidan, Logan and Lorelai into bed and thanking them for everything--the kind words, the sweet handmade cards, the snuggles, kisses, and love, and just for being in my life--I was brought to tears (three times in a row!) by how lucky I am. How truly blessed I feel as a mom, to have these special, wonderful, amazing children as my own. They're my whole world.
Oh, and I'm pretty dang grateful to my husband for helping me create them. :)
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