We spent quite a bit of time relaxing and not doing much, except getting a tan.
a MUCH needed tan...
We also went out to eat. Lots. Sushi lunch on Friday with my friends. Date night with Adam on Saturday where we hit up Zinburger before finally seeing Divergent, and ending the evening with two slices of heaven from the Cheesecake factory (which we're still not done with, two days later!).
A bacon Bloody Mary, sweet potato fries and a Zinburger. SO yum!
On my actual birthday, we took the kids to Bob Evans for breakfast where we stuffed our faces and tried to forget about the terrible service. And because the weekend wouldn't be complete without yet another trip out to eat somewhere, we stopped at Moe's today after yet some more shopping. Whew!
We also spent a bunch of time at the pool, which I'm sure made up for an equal amount of time spent shopping, as far as the kids are concerned. :)
So cheers to 34 years! If this weekend is any indication, it'll hopefully be a good one!
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