Aidan really started to become a more confident player last season. Sad to lose that momentum.
I feel even worse about it since this time Logan was actually looking forward to playing. He loved soccer when he first started playing, but much to Adam's dismay, got disinterested and refused to play in the fall. Honestly, it worked out much better for us anyway since we didn't have to juggle multiple practice nights or competing weekend game times. But just as soon as he decided to give it another try, we pulled the rug out from under him.
But the reality is that I can't do Logan's practice every Monday from 6:15-7:15 AND Aidan's practice every Wednesday from 5-6pm. Just getting to Aidan's 5pm practice last season was a mad dash since the bus doesn't even come until sometimes closer to 4:30. And I work 8 hours a day outside the home. And Adam has soccer and I have Zumba on Mondays already.
On top of that, it's enough of a struggle for Aidan to get his ~90min of homework done at home on a normal night, and still have time to eat a normal meal (aka not cereal) and bathe and go to bed at 8/8:30. We would have to sacrifice a normal dinner and quality homework time TWO days a week (not to mention Lorelai's bedtime on Mondays) for several months.
I guess we've lucked out with previous seasons getting good practice times (last year their practices were back-to-back on the same day, which was the most ideal), and the lighter homework load was a big factor. But the biggest wrench this time is Adam's travel schedule. If he's not there on a regular basis to share that burden (especially with allowing one of us to be home to put Lorelai to bed like normal), I don't see how it logistically makes sense. I'm not superwoman, apparently unlike all of the other parents who have multiple kids in multiple different extracurricular activities. Seriously, what's the secret?? How do you make it work?
While I'm sure we could probably push back bedtime if we had to, or come up with more creative meal ideas, the thought of living with this schedule flat out overwhelms me. I like our routine and I like things to be less complicated, not a logistical nightmare. I'm sure it's mostly selfish on my part, but I don't see how adding stress to my (our) situation will result in anyone being happy.
Fortunately, there was relatively little fuss from the boys when we broke the news to them. Aidan enjoys playing, but said he's okay missing a season (we'll re-evaluate in the fall and keep our fingers crossed for a better schedule!). As for Logan, he was a little sad, but said that as long as we take him bowling on the weekend, he would be okay. Deal, kiddo.
We're not quite to the part where we have to work with/around sports schedules. However, the thought of it still seems so daunting. You gotta do what works best for you and the family. Sounds like you made the right choice!
ReplyDeleteThanks! I feel guilty, but I'll just have to get over it :)
DeleteThe thought of schedules like that makes me twitchy. My nephew has a jam packed schedule, and it just doesn't sound FUN. He's on swim team and practices M-F from 4pm-6pm.
I get it.
Maybe V can take up like, a Saturday only sport? lol
Thanks for linking up! Happy Tuesday!
Megan @
exactly--how can it be truly fun when you're a slave to a jam packed schedule?! I'm dreading our future, for sure!
DeleteI am seriously beyond horrified that he has 90 minutes of homework. It makes me want to cry (as a teacher and mom). Just...ugh.
ReplyDeleteAnd, not doing soccer is what's right for you right now - good job doing what works for your family. That's what makes you a supermom! :)
Believe me, when his teacher said during orientation that he was expected to do 1-1.5 hrs of homework a night, I about fell off my chair. In THIRD grade?! Seriously? Truthfully, if there weren't so many distractions while he was doing his HW, it might go more quickly, and on some nights he does knock it out in an hour. But he still needs my help (while I finish my work day at home, help Logan, AND get dinner started) so distractions are inevitable :(
DeleteI love kids that know how to make a deal...sounds a lot like me when I was younger. Sometimes I'd act more sad than I was, just to get a better deal! Soccer is a fall sport anyway, so just comfort yourself with that tid bit of knowledge :))
ReplyDeleteHa! Yeah, Logan's learning early how to milk the mommy guilt for all it's worth :)
DeleteI am terrified of the day that Addison is big enough to get into sports and hoping like hell that I won't be working as much! It was all kinds of crazy to find a weekend gymnastics class that I could get her into because I am unable to do weekdays at all. I won't be able to have my current 10+ hour work day schedules when sports come along that's for sure!
ReplyDeleteI just don't understand why there aren't more weekend options since there are obviously SO many full time working parents out there. I'm glad I'm not the only one struggling with this issue! :)
DeleteI do not look forward to days of crazy, busy schedules and constant running from here and there... Just the thought of it makes my eyeballs twitch a bit! haha. I can't provide any insight, but look forward to a future post from you if you discover a method to the madness! :))
ReplyDeleteLOL, I look forward to a future post on that subject as well...but I won't hold my breath!
DeleteStill hoping someone will chime in with the magical secret to it all :)
I don't blame ya girl. I'm exhausted just reading this post! I don't think I'll ever be cut out to be a soccer mom.
ReplyDeleteHa! I never realized being a soccer mom could be so tough! :)
DeleteHey Melanie, thanks for stopping by!