We got there before the rest of the family, only to discover that this particular park area was closed. Womp womp. The (rude) park lady suggested the other park across the street, where apparently everyone and their brother had already showed up. It was so crowded that one family had resorted to grilling in ankle-deep water in a flooded out picnic area.
Heck to the no, we were not going to stand around with nowhere to grill and nowhere to sit and eat, so we did the only thing we could do--headed back home to our neighborhood pool and the rest of the fam followed.
It actually ended up being absolutely perfect. We were the only ones there for most of the time and the kids had a blast in the pool while the rest of us snacked and chilled.
That boat probably ended up being just as fun as grandpa's kayak in the lake would have been!
The kids actually did a pretty good job sharing and taking turns on the boat. There were plenty of pool noodles, water blasters, jumping contests and swimming races to keep these guys entertained for a long time.
Also entertaining, but unfortunately (for me, not for Adam) not pictured: Adam swatting like a crazy person at an insane number of bees flying around and landing on us. Grandma Cheryl even got stung by one :( Thankfully, none of the kids did.
Speaking of jumping contests, my sister and I got in on the action with the boys. If awards were being given, Jillian definitely would have won, and I have photographic evidence that I'm really tempted to share...but I don't want to embarrass her too much :). This one is much less, um, animated. You'll have to just trust me.
Not to be outdone, Lorelai had to get in on the action, too.
I'm so glad she likes the water, but doesn't try and jump in when we're not looking, and doesn't mind wearing her life jacket. It's a little peace of mind for this paranoid mom when there are so many kids to keep up with.
It was Lorelai's nap time, but she wasn't really grumpy at all. We just fed her snacks to keep her happy. :)
I was trying to get Lorelai to turn around and smile for a picture but she was too focused on her snacks--Raina was helping me get her attention and was very insistent that "Lorelai, smile, over there!" hence the stank face. Ha!
After a few hours of pool fun, we headed back to the house for our cookout, followed by s'mores on the grill.
I probably don't have to even say it, but it was a complete hit with the boys.
Not pictured: Aidan literally licking the chocolate off his plate.
Miraculously, Lorelai went down for a super late nap without a single protest. So, we all put back on our suits and headed back to the pool (minus Adam and his parents, who hung out at the house while Lorelai napped).
What a perfect way to officially end summer!
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