My mom left her slippers at my house so I held them hostage and sent her this ransom pic (then I found a pair on sale at Target so I was nice enough to give hers back). Lorelai found Adam's hat and experimented with her gangsta look. The kids entertained themselves while Adam and I were lazy and laid in bed last weekend (laundry basket=ship and they all 3 tried to get in there at one point).
Adam stayed home with the kids on Monday morning for MLK day and they lounged in their jammies and watched movies. Then Adam went out of town on Tuesday so I had to deal with Lorelai's sleep issues all by myself. I had to wake her up since she barely slept all night, and then rush to get Logan and Lorelai to daycare in time to make it to Aidan's bus stop.
Lorelai had fun in the tub...until it was time to get out. Epic meltdown ensued (should have taken a pic of her laying in a nekkid heap in front of the bathroom door, banging on it trying to get back in...but I was too busy wrestling her to get her diaper and jammies on).
Lorelai took up bird watching as her new hobby, along with vigorous burrito eating, apparently (she dogged that thing!). Also, she's now sitting at the table with us instead of in her high chair. Such a big girl. Maybe not at big as my burrito, though. Why can I never make them the right size?!?
PS: I've noticed that I take way more iPhone photos of Lorelai than the boys (oddly enough, I think I'm more equal with my dslr). Bad mommy. I'm going to get better about that, promise.
Linking up with a good life. Thanks to Amy for inspiring me to take and share more of my iPhone photos!
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