I've still got a huge backlog to go through and post, but we'll start with last month's strawberry picking adventures.
Let me just say that I think I've found my new Mother's Day weekend tradition. Like last year, we had another absolutely perfect morning picking strawberries and playing at the farm's fun park.
We picked two baskets FULL. I'm talking over 12 pounds of strawberries...whoa! Once we got them home and I had to clean them all, I realized we probably went a bit overboard, and thought they'd go bad before we could eat them all. Luckily I was able to freeze a few pounds, and made the most delicious quick strawberry jam. I've never made it before, but now I'm totally spoiled. I know how I want to use the frozen berries now, and I'm already looking forward to next year's haul.
Just when I thought we needed to stop because pickings were slim in field 1, they opened field 2 and we were the first ones over there.
Once our baskets were overflowing, we were ready to play! The best thing about the farm we go to is that they have family fun park. We could spend all day there. Bouncing...
Tractor-riding and um, hamster-wheeling? These huge pipe things were on tracks so we could race each other, which was pretty hilarious.
See sawing and pedal carting...
Duck racing...
And of course, feeding the animals. They gained a donkey and their goats have grown since last year. Awww!
We made some more great memories that day that I'll always cherish.
(Oh, and look at that. Clearly I found some words after all.)
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