LOVE this suit!
TWO. We had a family outing on Sunday to go see the Lego Movie. 10 thumbs up--whenever we weren't shoveling popcorn in our faces--from all of us!
THREE. My Polar FT7 came in the mail on Tuesday! A day late to try it out at Zumba (bummer!) but I put it to the test with a Wii Just Dance session. Turns out, it's a pretty good way to spend an hour. I just thank goodness none of my neighbors can see me through the window, because I'm fairly certain I look beyond ridiculous. But you don't burn 457 calories half-assing those dance moves. :)
FOUR. I made this super yummy cauliflower pizza casserole I found on Pinterest. Roasting the fresh cauliflower made the whole house smell like farts, but it was totally worth it. Everyone asked for seconds! This will definitely be in our regular rotation. I may try steaming frozen cauli next time because that doesn't casuse such a smell...
FIVE. I ordered some kettlebells (a 15lb for me and a 25lb for Adam) and they came in the mail yesterday. Did my first workout and it was great! My muscles felt like jello afterwards, but in the best possible "that was a good exercise" kind of way. Hopefully I can keep up with it and it can be a workout Adam and I can easily do at home, together.
And a bonus, because how can I not mention the fact that it's gotten up to 70* the past two days. We still had a pile of snow on the ground from where we shoveled, so the boys were outside in t-shirts playing baseball with snowballs. So weird! But VERY glad for this spring-like weather. Hope it sticks around for good.
TGIF, y'all!
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