Saturday, January 22, 2011

Ooh na na, what's my name?

(If you've got Rihanna’s What’s My Name stuck in your head now, you're welcome.)
Like most normal parents, we’ve got so many cutesy nicknames for Lorelai that I keep thinking she may never know her real name!  It’s funny though, none of the nicknames we use are any variation of her real name because we decided right off the bat that she will never go by any shortened version of Lorelai.  We call her missy poo, sweetie girl, pookie boo, baby girl, guuuuuurrrrrrllllll (thanks to this hilarious YouTube video), stinky butt and boo bear, just to name a few.  Even the boys do it, which is so cute!  Aidan will get this high-pitched voice going and say something to her like “awwww, missy poo! You’re such a cutie girl, I love you!” Makes my heart melt
But yeah, I guess we should start calling her by her real name more often to avoid an awkward identity crisis when she gets older!
Missy poo

pookie boo